Leading by Convening

Leading by Convening is a tool that can be used to positively change practices around the delivery of special education services.  It is a process for complex problem-solving that was developed by the IDEA Partnership over the course of several months of working with representatives from a variety of national organizations.  It focuses on authentic engagement (providing the right stakeholders with the right information) as a core commitment and convening (meeting together) as the leadership strategy that makes learning partnerships possible.

SEAC and the leadership of the Department of Education have chosen to use Leading by Convening as a process to identify key issues, examine data relevant to these issues, and come up with recommendations for solutions to problems that prevent students with disabilities and their educational team from achieving positive outcomes.

For School Year 23-24, SEAC and the Department are focusing on the following four issue areas that were prioritized at the August 11, 2023 SEAC meeting:
# 1 Inclusive Education/Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)  – Preschool and school age access to peers and the general education curriculum while receiving individualized supports and services.

 # 2 Secondary Transition

#3 Dispute Resolution

# 4 Bullying

Given the tragic and impactful wildfires that devastated Lahaina on August 8th, 2023, SEAC has also committed to monthly updates to keep informed of issues affecting students with disabilities impacted by the wildfires and learn of opportunities for SEAC to apply its resources to contribute to Maui’s recovery.

To learn more about Leading by Convening please visit the resources offered by the National Center on Systemic Improvement.

(See also Implementation Science)

(See our Annual Report under Reports).

We welcome input from the public.                leading-by-convening