Board of Education Testimony

SEAC provided the following testimony to the Board of Education on policies and items in the Department’s budget affecting students with disabilities (listed by most recent to oldest):

2024-25 School Year

November 21, 2024 (PDF): Testimony to the Student Achievement Committee Meeting supporting efforts to emphasize regular attendance.

2023-24 School Year

2022-23 School Year

2021-22 School Year

June 16, 2022 (PDF): Testimony to the General Business Meeting recommending four additional metrics for BOE Strategic Plan data:  inclusion rate, CTE Concentrators, culture and climate and family-school partnerships.

March 3, 2022 (PDF): Testimony to the General Business Meeting supporting the Department’s proposed amendment and addendum to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Consolidated State Plan.

February 17, 2022 (PDF): Testimony to the Student Achievement Committee offering comments on the proposed ESEA Consolidate State Plan amendment and addendum.

July 15, 2021 (Word): Testimony to a Special Meeting supporting the Board’s proposed resolution for reopening school for the 2021-22 school year and offering comments on distance learning.

2020-21 School Year

June 17, 2021 (Word): Testimony to the General Business Meeting supporting the Board’s proposed resolution for reopening school for the 2021-22 school year and offering comments on distance learning.

February 18, 2021 (PDF): Testimony to the General Business Meeting in support of a continuation of the pay differentials for classroom teachers in special education.

January 21, 2021 (PDF): Testimony to the General Business Meeting prioritizing the use of ESSER II Funds for pay differentials for special education teachers for SY20-21, EDN funding to offset program reductions for SY 21-22, restoring WSF funding for SY 21-22 and providing adequate funding for health and safety of students and school personnel.

October 15, 2020 (PDF):  Testimony to the General Business Meeting recommending more specificity for proposed metrics to monitor and evaluate DOE’s plan for reopening schools to ensure that students with disabilities are not disproportionally harmed by current constrains on the delivery of individualized educational supports.

October 1, 2020 (PDF):  Testimony to the Special Meeting commenting on Board directives regarding the Department’s use of DOH Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020).

September 17, 2020 (PDF):  Testimony to the General Business Meeting offering comments regarding metrics to monitor and evaluate the Department’s Comprehensive Plan for Reopening Schools for the 2020-21 School Year.

August 20, 2020 (PDF): Testimony to the General Business Meeting offering comments regarding the reopening of schools.

July 30, 2020 (PDF): Testimony to the Special Meeting expressing concerns related to distance learning, a lack of clear and consistent guidance regarding options for special education students to regain lost skills, and the absence of clear and timely information for families of students with disabilities.

July 23, 2020 (PDF):  Testimony to the General Business Meeting offering reasons why the Department would experience greater costs by discontinuing extra compensation for special education teachers than by maintaining it.

July 9, 2020 (PDF):  Testimony to the General Business Meeting offering comments on the Departments plans to re-open schools for the 2020-21 School Year.

2019-20 School Year

June 18, 2020 (PDF): Testimony to the Human Resources Committee in support of the permanent appointment of Brian Hallett to the position of Assistant Superintendent for the Office of Fiscal Services.

June 18, 2020 (PDF): Testimony to the General Business meeting in support of amendments to the Department’s administrative rules on transportation and in support of the Boards proposed principles and priorities for the re-opening of schools for the SY 20-21.

June 4, 2020 (PDF):  Testimony to the General Business meeting expressing concerns related to unmet needs of students with disabilities during school closures

May 7, 2020 (PDF): Testimony to the General Business meeting urging the Board to prioritize CARES Act funding to meet the needs of students with disabilities.

April 2, 2020 (PDF): Testimony to the General Business Meeting asking for clarification on how graduation waivers will be determined.

December 5, 2019 (PDF): Testimony to the Special Meeting in support of providing a pay differential to qualified and licensed special education teachers working directly with students in the classroom.

December,5, 2019 (PDF): Testimony to the Student Achievement Committee  supporting changes to Board Policy 105-13, Inclusion and recommending developing stronger language in Board Policy 101-7, School Climate and Discipline, addressing the harmful impact of suspensions on special education student academic performance, absenteeism and post-school outcomes.

August 1, 2019 (PDF): Testimony to the Human Resources Committee in support of the Committee’s priorities of bold teacher recruitment and retention strategies and policy support of the SpEd Task Force Summative Report recommendations.

August 1, 2019 (PDF): Testimony to the Student Achievement Committee recommending that they review the School Climate and Discipline Policy to to consider language addressing the high suspension rate of students with disabilities.

2018-19 School Year

February 7, 2019 (PDF): Testimony to the General Business meeting regarding further proposed revisions to administrative rules for Chapter 19 — Student Misconduct & Discipline — and Chapter 89 — Civil Rights Policy and Complaint Procedures for Student(s) Complaints against Adult(s)

January 17, 2019 (PDF): Testimony to the Finance and Infrastructure Committee supporting the Biennium Budget Request 2019-2021

November 1, 2018 (PDF): Testimony to the Student Achievement Committee regarding the presentation of the 2017 Hawaii Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) results.

October 18, 2018 (PDF): Testimony to the  Finance and Infrastructure Committee regarding the Department of Education’s proposed biennium budget for 2019-2021.

October 4, 2018-1 (PDF): Testimony to the General Business meeting regarding proposed revisions to administrative rules for Chapter 19 — Student Misconduct & Discipline

October 4, 2018-2 (PDF):  Testimony to the General Business Meeting regarding proposed administrative rules for Chapter 89 — Civil Rights Policy and Complaint Procedures for Student(s) Complaints against Adult(s)

September 6, 2018-1 (Word): Testimony to the joint meeting of the Student Achievement Committee and the Finance and Infrastructure Committee regarding proposed revisions to administrative rules for Chapter 19 — Student Misconduct & Discipline

September 6, 2018-2 (Word): Testimony to the joint meeting of the Student Achievement Committee and the Finance and Infrastructure Committee regarding proposed administrative rules for Chapter 89 — Civil Rights Policy and Complaint Procedures for Student(s) Complaints against Adult(s)

2017-18 School Year

May 17, 2018 (PDF): Testimony to the General Business Meeting regarding findings of Superintendent’s Special Education Task Force and Superintendent’s recommendations

February 1, 1018 (PDF):  Testimony to the Board of Education Student Achievement Committee regarding the Complex Area Superintendent Report: special education in the Nanakuli-Waianae Complex Area

November 21, 2017 (PDF):  Testimony to the Board of Education Human Resources Committee regarding  annual reporting of the 2017-2020 Department of Education and Board of Education Joint Strategic Plan indicators for Goal 2 (Staff Success)

November 7, 2017 (PDF):  Testimony to the Board of Education Student Achievement Committee on the annual reporting of the 2017-2020 Department of Education and Board of Education Joint Strategic Plan indicators for Goal 1 (Student Success)

October 17, 2017 (PDF):  Testimony to the Board of Education Finance and Infrastructure Committee regarding action on recommendation concerning the DOE’s Supplemental Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019

September 5, 2017 (PDF):  Testimony to the Board of Education Student Achievement Committee regarding amendments to Hawaii’s State ESSA Plan

August 1, 2017 (PDF): Testimony to the Board of Education Student Achievement Committee regarding School-based Health Services and Chronic Absenteeism

2016-17 School Year

July 18, 2017 (PDF):  Testimony to the Board of Education Human Resources Committee regarding DOE’s presentation on partnership with the University of Hawaii College of Education to “Grow Our Own” teachers

June 6, 2017 (PDF):  Testimony to the Board of Education General Business Meeting regarding the State Plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

April 4, 2017 (PDF):  Testimony to the Board of Education Student Achievement Committee regarding ESSA impacts on school accountability

March 21, 2017 (PDF):   Testimony to the Board of Education Finance and Infrastructure Committee on an Update of the DOE’s 2017-19 Fiscal Biennium Budget Request:  House Committee on Finance decisions

February 21, 1017 (PDF):  Testimony to the Board of Education Human Resources Committee regarding DOE’s presentation on Every Student Succeeds Act Impacts on Teacher Content Qualifications

February 7, 2017 (PDF): Testimony to the Board of Education Student Achievement Committee  regarding the DOE presentation on special education inclusion.

February 7, 2017 (PDF): Testimony to the Board of Education Student Achievement Committee regarding the presentation on ESSA Impacts on School Accountability.

February 7, 2017 (PDF):  Testimony to the Board of Education Audit Committee regarding the Internal Audit report on Student Assessment Administration.

December 6, 2016 (PDF):  Testimony to the Board of Education General Meeting regarding the Department’s final draft of the BOE/DOE Joint Strategic Plan.

October 18, 2016 (PDF):  Testimony to the Board of Education General Meeting regarding the Department’s draft of the BOE/DOE Joint Strategic Plan.

October 18, 2016 Attachment (Word):  SEAC recommendations regarding the draft wording of the Strategic Plan objectives.

October 4, 2016 (PDF):  Testimony to the Finance and Infrastructure Committee regarding the Department of Education’s proposed biennium budget for 2017-19.

2015-16 School Year

July 19, 2016 (PDF):  Testimony to the Board of Education General Meeting regarding the Department’s response to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) proposed regulations.

April 5, 2016 (PDF):  Testimony to the Student Achievement Committee on special education inclusion in the Department of Education

March 1, 2016 (PDF):  Testimony to the Student Achievement Committee on the impact of the Every Student Succeeds Act (“ESSA”) transition on revisions to Strive HI Performance System for 2015-2016 School Year

February 2, 2016  (PDF):  Testimony to the Audit Committee regarding the Special Education Program Internal Audit Report

January 19, 2016 (PDF):  Testimony to the Human Resources Committee regarding the Office of Human Resources Delivery Plan

December 1, 2015-Climate (PDF):  Testimony to the Student Achievement Committee regarding the Department’s proposed implementation plan of the Boards policy on School Climate and Discipline

December 1, 2015-SBA (PDF):  Testimony to the Student Achievement Committee regarding the Department’s presentation on high needs group achievement on the 2015 Smarter Balanced Assessment

October 20, 2015 (PDF): Testimony to the Human Resources Committee regarding special education staffing vacancies

October 5, 2015 (PDF):  Testimony to the Student Achievement Committee regarding the Comprehensive Student Support System policy

August 1, 2015 (PDF):  Testimony to the Student Achievement Committee regarding the policy on School Climate and Discipline

June 2, 2015 (PDF):  Testimony to the Student Achievement Committee regarding further revisions for a Family and Community Engagement/Partnerships policy

May 19, 2015 (PDF):  Testimony to the Finance and Infrastructure Committee regarding a proposed policy on summer school

May 5, 2015 (PDF):  Testimony to the Student Achievement Committee regarding a proposed policy on school climate and discipline

March 17, 2015 (PDF): Testimony to the General Business Meeting regarding the Department’s request for a ESEA Waiver Renewal

March 17, 2015 (PDF):  Testimony to the Human Resources Committee regarding a proposed special education allocation reduction

March 17, 2015 (PDF:  Testimony to the Finance and Infrastructure Committee regarding recommendations for a Family-School Partnership Policy

March 3, 2015 (PDF):  Testimony to the Student Achievement Committee requesting time to discuss policies on special education, inclusion and the Comprehensive Student Support System

January 20, 2015 (PDF): Testimony to the Finance and Infrastructure Committee regarding the policy audit and SEAC’s priorities for further input

January 20, 2015 (PDF): Testimony to the Student Achievement Committee regarding the policy audit and SEAC’s priorities for further input

2014-15 School Year

December 2, 2014 (PDF) : Testimony to the Board of Education on the amendment to the graduation requirements policy regarding its applicability to special education students

September 12, 2014 (PDF): Testimony to the Board of Education on the implementation of the Department’s budget for Fiscal Year 2015

August 19, 2014 (PDF): Testimony to the Board of Education over Proposed Budget Restrictions on EDN 150 Funding